AFIEG (French independent association for electricity and gas) represents French industries or subsidiaries located in France that are involved in the European electricity and gas sectors, i.e: Alpiq Energie France, BKW France, CELEST, Endesa, Uniper France Power and Vattenfall. AFIEG currently counts three associated members: Enovos, Energies Libres Grands Comptes and Novawatt with the aims of welcoming new members.

AFIEG as a member-based association promotes the development of a more open and more competitive French electricity and gas markets (generation and supply). AFIEG is dedicated to offering a larger choice for consumers and improving competiveness of our industries. It also aims at being a key contact point for public decision makers. AFIEG brings its independent expertise on French energy issues based on its recognized experience of open markets in Europe and on a 10 years presence on the French market.

Chairman’s message

The gradual liberalization of energy markets since the 2000’s has permitted to French and European operators to develop their gas and electricity activities everywhere in Europe. Although liberalization process in France has been belated, significant progress has been made. Liberalization has become a reality for gas and electricity in France. Without being an end in itself nor a magic formula, liberalization is unique. New actors enter the market more easily, competition among companies is increasing and consumers have greater choice among suppliers; which can offer higher quality and more competitive services. The diversification of operators is also a major benefit for security of supply.

Well functioning open energy markets are essential. AFIEG’s action is dedicated to provide constructive criticism based on a positive dialogue with public decision makers. Its members are contributing to the implementation of practical proposals in electricity and gas sectors.

Over the last months, we have been supporting purchase obligation reform by replacing them with a feed-in tariff. This leads to the development of electricity generation from renewable energy and make operators aware of market reality.

We have also played a decisive role by presenting an unprecedented solution for a new auction system concerning the gas storage reform. We have been particularly mobilized on fostering liberalization for hydroconcessions.

The « Loi  relative  à  la  transition  énergétique  pour  une  croissance  verte » ( Energy Transition for Green Growth Act) promulgated on August 17th , 2015, sets new goals for French energy policy in accordance with EU objectives. Nevertheless, efficient application of these principles will be decisive. AFIEG’s members, thanks to their experience all across Europe and their commercial presence in our country, wish to contribute to implement these structuring decisions for energy market. AFIEG will be also attentive to the employment consequences.

AFIEG is resolved to remain a key contact point for public decision makers and the regulator. With vigilance and ingenuity, AFIEG intends to contribute to economic attractiveness of our country. AFIEG is determined to reinforce global competiveness of our professional and industrial clients.
